Tarumanagara or Taruma is a once powerful kingdom in the western part of Java island in the 4th century until the 7th century AD, which is one of the oldest kingdoms in the archipelago known. In a note, the kingdom is the kingdom Tarumanagara wing Hindu Vishnu.
Tarumanegara established by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman in the year 358, which was later replaced by his son, Dharmayawarman (382-395). Jayasingawarman dipusarakan Gomati on the bank, while his son at the edge of times Candrabaga.
Maharaja Purnawarman is Tarumanagara third king (395-434 AD). He built a new imperial capital in 397 located closer to the beach. The city named Sundapura-the first time the name "Sunda" is used. In 417 he ordered the excavation of river Gomati and Candrabaga throughout 6112 spear (about 11 km). Excavation completed, the prabu hold salvation with menyedekahkan 1,000 cows to Brahmins.
Sand Estuary inscription that mentions the event returns to the reign of the King of Sunda was created in 536 AD In that year the ruler Tarumanagara is Suryavarman (535-561 AD) King Tarumanagara 7th. Reader Jawadwipa, parwa I, sarga 1 (pages 80 and 81) testified that during the reign of Candrawarman (515-535 AD), father Suryavarman, many local authorities are receiving back the power of government over the territory as a reward for loyalty to Tarumanagara. In terms of this, then Suryavarman do the same as his father's political continuation.
Interpreters Rakeyan Pengambat inscription is written in the sand Muara maybe once a high official Tarumanagara which previously was vice king as head of government in the area. What is unclear is why the inscription on the return of government to the King of Sunda was found there? Whether the area is the center of the Kingdom of Sunda or just an important place which included the Kingdom of Sunda region?
Both sources inscriptions as well as the sources of Cirebon testified that Purnawarman managed to subdue his enemies. rise in Pandeglang inscriptions show that its territory extends to the coast of the Sunda Strait. Reader archipelago, parwa II sarga 3 (pages 159-162) mentions that under the authority of the king Purnawarman there are 48 areas stretching from Salakanagara or Rajatapura (in the Gulf area Lada Pandeglang) to Purwalingga (now Purbolinggo) in Central Java. Traditionally Cipamali (Kali Bradford) was considered to limit the power of the kings of West Javanese rulers in the past.
Inscription Purnawarman presence in Sand estuary, which proclaim the King of Sunda in the year 536 AD, a symptom that Sundapura Capital has changed its status to a regional empire. This means, the administrative center Tarumanagara has shifted to another place. Similar examples can be seen from kedudukaan Rajatapura or Salakanagara (Silver City), called Argyre by Ptolemy in the year 150 AD The city was until the year 362 became the center of government Kings Dewawarman (from Dewawarman I - VIII).
When the central government to switch from Rajatapura Tarumangara, then changed its status kingdom Salakanagara area. Jayasingawarman founder Tarumanagara was the son of King Dewawarman VIII. He was himself a Maharesi of Salankayana in India who fled to the archipelago because the area was attacked and conquered the kingdom of Maharaja Samudragupta of Magada.
Suryavarman not only continued his father's policy that gives more credence to the king the area to take care of self-government, but also turned his attention to the east. In the year 526 AD, for example, Manikmaya, Suryavarman-law, establish a new kingdom in Kendan, Nagreg area between Bandung and Limbangan, Garut. Manikmaya son's character lives with his grandfather in the capital Tarumangara and later became Commander of the Armed Forces Tarumanagara. The development of the eastern region becomes more developed when great-grandchildren Galuh Kingdom Manikmaya founded in the year 612 AD
Tarumanagara itself only experienced the reign of 12 kings. In the year 669, Linggawarman, Tarumanagara last king, was replaced in-law, Tarusbawa. Linggawarman itself has two daughters, the eldest named Manasih be Tarusbawa of Sunda wife and the second wife named Sobakancana be Dapuntahyang Sri Jayanasa founder of the Kingdom of Srivijaya. Automatically, the throne of power Tarumanagara fell to the law of his eldest daughter, the Tarusbawa.
Tarumanagara rule ended with the shift of the throne to Tarusbawa, because more personal Tarusbawa want to go back to his own kingdom, the Sunda which had previously been in power Tarumanagara. On the transfer of power to Sunda, only Galuh who do not agree and decided to split from the Sundanese who inherited Tarumanagara region.
Kings Tarumanagara
1. Jayasingawarman 358-382
2. Dharmayawarman 382-395
3. Purnawarman 395-434
4. Wisnuwarman 434-455
5. Indrawarman 455-515
6. Candrawarman 515-535
7. Suryavarman 535-561
8. Kertawarman 561-628
9. Sudhawarman 628-639
10. Hariwangsawarman 639-640
11. Nagajayawarman 640-666
12. Linggawarman 666-669
1. Inscription Kebon coffee, made around 400 AD (H Kern 1917), was found in a coffee plantation belonging to Jonathan Rig, Ciampea, Bogor
2. Tugu inscription, found in Kampung Batutumbu, Tugu Village, District Tarumajaya, Bekasi District, now housed in museums in Jakarta. The inscription describes the contents river excavation and trenching Candrabaga by Rajadirajaguru Gomati River by Purnawarman in year 22 of his reign.
3. Inscription Munjul or Cidanghiang inscription, found in streams flowing river in the village Cidanghiang Lebak, District Munjul, Pandeglang, Banten, panegyric to the King Purnawarman.
4. Inscription Ciaruteun, Ciampea, Bogor
5. Inscription Muara Cianten, Ciampea, Bogor
6. Inscription Jambu, Nanggung, Bogor
7. Inscription Pasir Awi, Citeureup
Land where the inscription was found in the form of a low hill with a flat surface and flanked by three rods river: Cisadane, Cianten and Ciaruteun. Until the 19th century, where it was reported by the name Sand Estuary. Including private land formerly part Ciampea. Now including the District Cibungbulang.
Kampung Muara place Ciaruteun and palms Elephant inscription discovered, formerly a "river port city" the bookie situated on the banks of the Cisadane meeting with Cianten.Until the 19th century the river channels are still used to transport coffee plantation crops. Now bamboo is still used by merchants to transport their goods to the area downstream.
Inscription at this time using the ancient Sundanese script, which was originally an outgrowth of the character types Pallawa Further, referring to the character models Cambodia with some characteristics that are still attached. At this time, the script has not reached the level of a modified form of trademark as used texts (ejection) of the 16th century.
Inscription Sand Muara
In Bogor, inscriptions found in Sand Estuary, on the edge of the fields, not far from the inscriptions EIA Elephant Purnawarman heritage. The inscription is now no place of origin. In the inscription is written:
This sabdakalanda rakryan interpreter panga-mbat i kawihaji panyca pasagi village barpulihkan marsa-n-nda su ****
Translation by Bosch:
It's a sign of greeting Rakryan Interpreter Pengambat in years (Saka) kawihaji (8) of the five (5) pasagi (4), begara government returned to the king of Sunda.
Because his numbers patterned "Sangkala" that comply "angkanam vamato gatih" (the number read from right), then the inscription was made in the year 458 Saka or 536 AD.
Inscription Ciaruteun
Ciaruteun inscription found in river flow Ciaruteun, a hundred meters from the confluence with Cisadane; but in 1981 was appointed and placed in the cupola. This inscription relics Purnawarman, beraksara Palawa, Sanskrit. Its content is the four-line poem, which reads:
vikkrantasyavanipateh shrimatah purnavarmmanah tarumanagararendrasya vishnoriva padadvayam
Translation by Vogel:
The second (traces) that such foot (feet) Vishnu is the prince of the world famous valiant ruler Purnawarman Tarumanagara.
In addition, there is also a picture of a pair "pandatala" (footprints), which showed signs of power - and its function as a "signature" in contemporary times. Purnawarman inscriptions presence in the village showed that the area that includes regional powers.According to the Library Rajyarajya i Bhumi parwa Nusantara II, sarga 3, page 161, among subordinates Tarumanagara during the reign of Purnawarman contained the name "Rajamandala" (king area) Sand Muhara.
Inscription palms Elephant
Inscription soles of a pair of elephant picture elephant feet are given a description of the line-shaped poem reads:
jayavi s halasya tarumendrsaya hastinah airavatabhasya vibhatidam padadavayam
Both footprints are the footprints of elephants brilliant as Airawata belongs Tarumanagara glorious ruler and ruled.
According to Hindu mythology, is the name of the elephant ride Airawata Batara Indra the god of war and penguawa Guntur. According to the Library Parawatwan i Bhumi Jawadwipa parwa I, sarga 1 Purnawarman war elephant named Airawata such as the name of Indra riding the elephant. Even reported also, flag kingdom Tarumanagara berlukiskan lotus flower arrangements on the head of an elephant. Similarly Purnawarman carved crown worn pair of bees.
Carving flag and a pair of bee was clearly enthroned on Ciaruteun inscription that has provoked debate among experts engrossing history of the meaning and value symbol. Lotus carved elephant's head crowned by experts alleged "curly letters" that still lingers reading until now. Similarly, about carving a pair of feet in front of anyone expect it as a symbol of a spider, or a combination of twin sun-moon solar (sun and moon). Remarks library of Cirebon on Tarumanagara flag and carving a pair of "Bhramara" (Bee) as a cap on the crown Purnawarman in all "youth" its value as a historical source must be acknowledged that there is compatibility with the inscription painting Ciaruteun.
Another inscription
In Bogor, there is still one other inscription is a stone inscription relics Tarumanagara located on top of Mount Koleangkak, Pasir Gintung, District Leuwiliang. On this hill flows (river) Cikasungka. Even this inscription carved pair of feet and annotated form two lines of poetry:
Data shriman kertajnyo narapatir - asamo well temple tarumayam shri name purnnavarmma pracurarupucara fedyavikyatavammo tasyedam - padavimbadavyam arnagarotsadane nitya-dksham bhaktanam yangdripanam - bhavati sukhahakaram shalyabhutam ripunam.
Translation by Vogel:
The famous and faithful to the task is a matchless king named Sri Purnawarman ruling Taruma shield and armor can not be penetrated by arrows of his enemies; The second belongs to Him footprints, which always managed to destroy the enemy castle, which is always rewarded the honors banquet (to those who are loyal to him), but it is a thorn in the side of his enemies.